No. 1379 | ||||
Recent technology Trend of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors and Fittings | ||||
Recent technology Trend of Overhead Transmission Line Conductors and Fittings Investigating R&D Committee | ||||
There are not the survey and the technical report about the technical trend or the technical difference in Overhead Transmission Line Conductors and Fittings in the domestic country and foreign countries from a multidirectional viewpoint generally. Therefore it is very useful to systematically arrange the difference in technical aspect and technical problem in Japan and the overseas, and it is expected to lead to ‡@Guideline derivation of the overseas advance, ‡AAppropriate correspondence to domestic aging facilities. From a viewpoint of ¢Guideline derivation of the overseas advance£, we investigated domestic and foreign conductors and fittings from viewpoints of design, standard and test procedure. As a result, we became clear that the domestic standard was ¢structural standard£ to prescribe materials and structure, whereas the foreign standard was ¢performance standard£ not to prescribe materials and structure if performance was satisfied. In addition, from a viewpoint of ¢Appropriate correspondence to domestic aging facilities£, we arranged "efficiency technology" or "technology of the improvement in reliability" according to theme based on the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan technical report 856th that a domestic technical trend was gathered systematically, and the difference of the action for the problem became clear in what we compared with the technique trend in the overseas these days. |
©2007. The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |